Chapman International College

One School in Many Nations

We visit all over southeast asia Equiping people to serve local churches

CIC was established in 2005 with the vision to train pastors and lay leaders in multi-site, multi-language, multi-context, and multi-delivery system. With the new passion of our administration, CIC is reshaping vision, mission, and goals for the coming year of 2020. The new vision includes adding new degree and non-degree programs, establishing multiple new extension centers in the field, equipping fully qualified local professors in each centers, and also working towards full academic accreditation. Together with the board of regent, I am committed to work towards the great change in the future.

We are committed to Christ. Our ultimate goal is make Christ-like disciples (Matthew 28:18-20) and Good Shepherds (John 10:11-15) who can sacrifice oneself for the Lord and the Lost. Our graduates will be planting the community of believers wherever they are, as John Wesley said,  I look upon all the world as my parish.
Thank you for partnering with SEANBC. Together with you, we can see the future of the field in God.

Donghwan (Bill) Kwon

Explore Our Work in God

Chapman International College (CIC) is built upon strong biblical and theological foundations as well as practical field experience. It is delivered in multi-level, multi-schedule, multi-location, multi-language, and multi-delivery systems. 2001 witnessed the first graduating class of CIC and since then graduates of CIC are serving the church as pastors, evangelists, church planters, lay leaders, teachers, churchmen, cross-cultural missionaries, and in urban ministries, for the purpose of advancing the Kingdom of God throughout Southeast Asia. 

“Why CIC?
Study in your place,
Go Anywhere to serve.”

chapman International College