Chapman International college
The purpose of CIC shall be primarily to serve Southeast Asia by providing quality transformational education with a focus on lay and ministerial education and to foster, promote, and maintain this education in harmony with the current Manual of the Church of the Nazarene.
CIC exists to provide transformational education to equip lay and ministerial leaders with cutting edge delivery systems to make Christ-like disciples within the Wesleyan/Biblical Holiness tradition.
Partnering with local churches and districts, CIC is committed to be the leading innovative ministerial education provider for Southeast Asian people.

One school in many nations
Teaches in 5 Countries
How we serve
Southeast Asia and Beyond
CIC serves to equip lay and pastoral ministers all over Southeast Asia and even beyond it. Through cooperation with local churches and Mobile Education Program (MEP), CIC extends its scope to many other countries including US/Canada, Korea, etc.
Extension Centers and Students
We have been establishing 39 extension centers reaching students all over Southeast Asia and the other countries. In 2018 we are now serving 600 students.
The leading innovative ministerial education provider
Innovative technology for reaching the students in the remote places through our Mobile Education Program.