Degree Programs

The Certificate of Ministry is planned to prepare the graduate for service as pastors, evangelist/church planter or missionary in Southeast Asia Fields. The requirement for this Certificate is 90 units. This program fulfils minimum education requirements leading toward ordination as an elder in the church of the Nazarene.

CodeCourse NameTextbook
TH102Doctrine of Holiness (Holiness 1 – The Holy Life)En_Stu, En_Tea
PL101Formation of Spiritual Disciplines (Spiritual Formation)En_Stu, En_Tea
B101Introduction to the Bible (Survey of the Bible)En_Stu, En_Tea
DS101Discipleship (RealLife Discipleship Teachers Manual)
CP101Church Planting Skills (Dave White, Your church can multiply, or Evangelization and church growth)
* Alternatives *
CE301Christian Education (Christian Education)En_Stu, En_Tea
BT301Biblical Theology of Leadership (Leadership)En_Stu-Tea
B102Interpretation of Scripture (Biblical Interpretation)En_Stu, En_Tea
B204NT Exegesis 1 Thessalonians (Galatians)En_Stu, En_Tea
B205OT Exegesis Pentateuch (Pentateuch)En_Stu, En_Tea
CO201Communicating Christ (Communication)En_Stu-Tea
This degree is a three-year program designed for ministerial students who have at least a 9th grade educational background, but not 12 grades.  The program is planned to prepare the graduate for service as a pastor, evangelist, or missionary in the Church of the Nazarene.  A student must earn 24 subjects, 72 hours of credit.
The requirements for this degree include:
  • 21 credits Biblical Studies
  •  9 credits Theology
  •  6 credits Church History
  • 12 credits Pastoral Ministries
  •  3 credits Christian Education
  •  6 credits Evangelism and Missions
  • 15 credits General Studies
Total 72 credits
CodeCourse NameTextbook
B103The Four Gospels
TH102Doctrine of Holiness (Holiness 1 – The Holy Life)En_Stu, En_Tea
PL101Formation of Spiritual Disciplines (Spiritual Formation)En_Stu, En_Tea
B101Introduction to the Bible (Survey of the Bible)En_Stu, En_Tea
CO201Communicating Christ (Communication)En_Stu-Tea
B102Interpretation of Scripture (Biblical Interpretation)En_Stu, En_Tea
CH201Church History I (History of the Church 1) En_Stu, En_Tea
B204NT Exegesis 1 Thessalonians (Galatians)En_Stu, En_Tea
CH302Church History II (History of the Church 2) En_Stu, En_Tea
BT301Biblical Theology of Leadership (Leadership)En_Stu-Tea
CE301Christian Education (Christian Education)En_Stu, En_Tea
CP101Church Planting Skills (Dave White, Your church can multiply, or Evangelization and church growth)
TH101Foundational Theology 1 (Christian Theology 1)En_Stu, En_Tea
B205OT Exegesis Pentateuch (Pentateuch)En_Stu, En_Tea
TH103Foundational Theo 2 (Christian Theology 2)En_Stu-Tea
CR301Introdution to the Religions of Asia and the Pacific /Cults and Sects
AP301Introduction to Apologetics
PT301Intro to Pastoral Theology
DS101Discipleship (RealLife Discipleship Teachers Manual)
AD201Nazarene Polity, Covenants, Administration, and Finances (Administering the Church)
B307NT Exegesis 1 John, 1 Peter, James (Intro to NT)
PL203Community Engagment (Social Structure and Problem)
PL202Pastoral Life (the life of pastor)
B306Wisdom Literature (Intro to OT)
* Alternatives *
Orientation to Ministry (introduction to the Ministry)
TH304Theology of Honor and Shame
CO302Cross Cultural Communication
The Bachelor of Theology is a four-year program planned to prepare the graduate for service as a pastor, evangelist/church planter, or missionary in the Church of the Nazarene.  The requirements for this degree includes 120 credit units, including eight supervised ministry courses. This degree program fulfills minimum educational requirements leading toward ordination as an elder in the Church of the Nazarene.
The requirements for the degree include:
  • 24 credits Biblical Studies
  • 15 credits Theology
  •  6 credits Church History
  • 18 credits Pastoral Ministries
  •  3 credits Christian Education
  • 12 credits Evangelism and Missions
  • 15 credits General Studies
  • 27 credits Electives
  •  3 credits Supervised Ministry
Total 120 Credits
* Course of Year One
CodeCourse NameTextbook
PT101Ministry Formation (Introduction to Ministry)
B103The Four Gospels
TH102Doctrine of Holiness (Holiness 1 – The Holy Life)En_Stu, En_Tea
PL101Formation of Spiritual Disciplines (Spiritual Formation)En_Stu, En_Tea
B101Introduction to the Bible (Survey of the Bible)En_Stu, En_Tea
CO201Communicating Christ (Communication)En_Stu-Tea
B102Interpretation of Scripture (Biblical Interpretation)En_Stu, En_Tea
CH201Church History I (History of the Church 1) En_Stu, En_Tea
DS101Discipleship (RealLife Discipleship Teachers Manual)
CP101Church Planting Skills (Dave White, Your church can multiply, or Evangelization and church growth)
B101Interpretation of Scripture (Biblical Interpretation)
B204NT Exegesis 1 Thessalonians (Galatians)En_Stu, En_Tea
Introduction to New Testament
B201Introduction to Old Testament
RE401Methods of Research
Basic Computer
English 1
* Course of Year Two
CodeCourse NameTextbook
CH302Church History II (History of the Church 2) En_Stu, En_Tea
BT301Biblical Theology of Leadership (Leadership)En_Stu-Tea
CE301Christian Education (Christian Education)
CP101Church Planting Skills (Dave White, Your church can multiply, or Evangelization and church growth)
TH101Foundational Theology 1 (Christian Theology 1)En_Stu, En_Tea
B205OT Exegesis Pentateuch (Pentateuch)En_Stu, En_Tea
TH103Foundational Theo 2 (Christian Theology 2)En_Stu-Tea
CR301Introdution to the Religions of Asia and the Pacific /Cults and Sects
Major Prophets
Teaching Methods
Music Introduction
* Course of Year Three
CodeCourse NameTextbook
AP301Introduction to Apologetics
PT301Intro to Pastoral Theology
DS101Discipleship (RealLife Discipleship Teachers Manual)
AD201Nazarene Polity, Covenants, Administration, and Finances (Administering the Church)
B307NT Exegesis 1 John, 1 Peter, James (Intro to NT)
PL203Community Engagment (Social Structure and Problem)
PL202Pastoral Life (the life of pastor)
B306Wisdom Literature (Intro to OT)
Minor Prophets
World Missions
* Course of Year Four
CodeCourse NameTextbook
TH102Doctrine of Holiness
CR305Church and Culture
TH301Wesley Theology
PT401Supervised Ministry
Marriage and Family
Urban Ministry
Christian Ethics

In partnership with Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary (APNTS). Master of Ministry (M.Min) is offered to prepare to prepare biblically sound holiness advocates and skillful missionaries, ministers, educators, and teachers for SEA field. The Master of Ministry (MMin) is one step toward a more inclusive strategy of developing faculty members for Sea field. The requirement is 45 credit units. The Master of Ministry is accredited by the Asia Theological Association (ATA).